The devastating final words of a woman who died on a Qantas flight that was about to take off have been revealed. The family of Manpreet Kaur said her health had been rapidly deteriorating over recent months as she unknowingly suffered from tuberculosis.
The 24-year-old had been fastening her seatbelt on a flight from Australia to India, where she was supposed to see her family for the first time in four years, when she suffered a medical episode.
Her cousin and flatmate, Kuldeep Kaur, said she had ‘difficult talking’ and ‘no energy to do anything’ in the week before her death. She said her cousin was intending on returning to Dharampura, India, to be with family and friends who could look after her and aid her recovery.
The last words Manpreet, who was an aspiring chef, said to her were: ‘I will come back’. A post-mortem confirmed that she had the serious infectious bacterial disease — which led authorities to rule her body could not be transported out of Australia.