ITV News presenter Sascha Williams emotionally announced her departure from the channel on Tuesday after a 21-year-long career. The broadcaster, 44, took to Instagram to reveal she will be leaving her newsreading and presenting roles behind, describing her career as ‘one heck of a ride’.
Sascha, from Chelmsford, Essex, shared a heartfelt statement on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) to let fans know of her decision, alongside a collage of images of her on our TV screens throughout the years.
Sascha wrote: “After 21 years (and by the look of it, about as many hairstyles) it’s time to bid farewell to ITV. “It’s been one heck of a ride, working with some of the absolute best in the business. Will miss them lots (Though probably not the 4am alarm).”
The experienced newsreader began her career at ITV Anglia, where she worked as a production journalist from June 2003 through to January 2006.